Penny Del Castillo, Studio Del Castillo

Penny Del Castillo, Studio Del Castillo



Penny Del Castillo, Studio Del Castillo

S2 E8 Penny Del Castillo

Penny Del Castillo’s early work life was perhaps a story that many can relate to….

Penny studied hard, knocked on doors, got a break, worked long hours, had some success and then got that sinking feeling that her chosen industry wasn’t where she wanted to be.

While most would push that feeling deep down inside and continue on the path, this is just not Pennys style and she pivoted into the world of interior design. …And wasn’t that the right move, Penny was a natural and has created brilliance with multi million-dollar mansions, overseas resorts and has even been trusted by numerous celebrities to bring their vision to life.

Enjoy the inspirational story and learnings from the immaculate Penny from Studio del Castillo

Karyn xx

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