3 Must-Do LinkedIn Best Practices



3 Must-Do LinkedIn Best Practices

3 Must-Do LinkedIn Best Practices

LinkedIn, often referred to as the ‘professional’s social network,’ has emerged as an incredible platform for networking, job searching, and thought leadership. As of 2023, LinkedIn reached 930 million registered users, making it a the perfect place for professionals seeking to expand their reach, connect with others, and advance in their careers. But with the vast sea of profiles and daily content, how can you ensure you stand out and make the most of the platform?

We’ve got some must-do LinkedIn best practices to guide you:

Optimize Your Profile For First Impressions

Profile Picture And Banner:

Your profile picture is the virtual handshake on LinkedIn. It is best to make sure it is clear, professional, and representative of your current role or industry. Your banner, the larger image behind your profile photo, is what we call the prime real estate to convey more about your profession, passion, or company. So use this space wisely!

Headline And Summary:

Many users default to their current job title as their headline, but this space can also be used more effectively. Think of your headline as a mini value proposal. Think of ideas like: What do you offer? Who do you help?

Your summary is where you can showcase your story, professional route, and desires. Use the space to give a brief overview of your background, skills, and what makes you a unique human being.

Recommendations And Skills:

It is recommended you regularly update your skills and seek recommendations from colleagues and industry peers to support your presence.

Recommendations provide social proof of your skills and achievements that you showcase, so don’t hesitate to ask satisfied clients, former bosses, or coworkers to leave one for you.

Remember, it’s good practice to do the same!

Engage Authentically And Consistently

Post And Interact Regularly:

Like other social networks, consistency is key on LinkedIn. It is smart to share updates about your professional achievements, industry insights, or articles and resources that you find valuable.

Other than posting, you can interact with posts in your feed by commenting, liking, and sharing. ‘Authentic engagement’ can position you as a thought leader and keep you on the radar of your connections.

Join Groups:

LinkedIn groups cater towards specific industries, roles, and interests. Joining and participating in relevant groups to yourself, more so your brand can help you network with like-minded professionals and stay updated with industry trends and discussions.

Harness The Power Of Content Creation

Write Articles:

LinkedIn’s publishing platform is a valuable tool for presenting yourself as an influential person in your industry. By writing and publishing articles directly on LinkedIn, you can showcase your skills and perceptions while reaching a wider audience.

Use Different Media:

While articles and posts are great, don’t forget about other media formats. Share infographics, videos, and slideshows to vary your content and engage your audience in differentiating ways.

Engage With Commenters:

When people comment on your posts or articles, it is a good idea to take the time to respond. By engaging with your audience, you can strengthen relationships and encourage further interactions for your brand.

In conclusion, LinkedIn is more than just a storage for your digital resume; it’s a powerful platform that, when used effectively, can increase your professional brand and open doors to opportunities.

By optimizing your profile, engaging authentically, and using the power of content creation, you can ensure you’re not only visible but also valuable to your network.

If you need some help with your LinkedIn business profile, our busy bees would love to help.  Give us a buzz: (03) 9432 6732