5 blog writing tips…



5 blog writing tips…

5 blog writing tips…

If the internet multiverse of the 21st century could be summed up in one line, it would simply be this – Content is King. Of course, there are quirkier additions to this such as ‘Engagement is Queen!’ All things said and done, every success story of every digital media platform today owes the same to powerful and immersive forms of content.

Blogs are a simple yet relevant testament to this. Irrespective of whether your business is B2B or B2C in nature, blogs are a great way of creating awareness about your brand while also increasing exposure and shareability online. What’s more, this format of content is arguably among the easiest to consume for a wider range of audience – making it a must-have in any business strategy arsenal today.

Effective blog writing can also play a decisive role in shaping your business identity and contribute towards its overall brand management. Particularly in an era where brands are becoming more human, and connection is key.

What makes writing a truly satisfying art is that there are no rules which fully determine good and bad writing. While the same holds true to a fair extent for blog writing, we thought you might appreciate the following five blogging tips we go by…


Know Your Audience

The more the merrier doesn’t really hold entirely true
when it comes to who your blog is addressing. Based on the generic
organizational goals or even project-based objectives, businesses usually have
a preset target audience as part of their specific strategy.  The same needs to be adapted to blogs which will effectively help spread the word, increasing exposure.

While it may sound more comforting and make for staggering stats, blog writing for undefined scopes of online audiences can have significant backlashes such as rendering your brand as spam. Furthermore, this kind of ‘massy’ blog targeting can also dilute the relevance of your business’ objectives and KPIs, resulting in an avoidable investment in content. 

Additionally knowing your audience also helps in structuring blog content well – for instance, a blog strategy aimed at millennials might be better suited for mobile phone platform viewing as compared to a B2B blog strategy better suited for desktops.

Know Your Platform

Identifying the right platform to host your blog content is both essential and useful – it helps businesses and entrepreneurs to understand the format of their blog content as well as the diverse platform-based options available. Popular options like WordPress is a recommended option to turn to if you’re looking at customizing your content, in addition to monitoring traffic and backend analytics. Although, the disadvantage with WordPress is that at first it can seem not very user-friendly.

Another free blog publisher/platform is Medium. Its user-friendly interface and diverse hosting features for all forms of content can make it a great place to start for both businesses and users. If your business has a more flexible budget allocated for blogging, Weebly is another recommended option. Conveniently, there is a drag-and-drop option for users who would rather skip the coding part of the site and want to make changes anyway. While the platform has a free plan feature to start off with, Weebly has paid plans for long-term use.

Make It Timeless

Relevant content is good content. This is one of those blog writing tips best exemplified by blogs which have not only tailor-made content for their audience, but also included content which remain relevant for consumption at any point in the future. This really isn’t as tricky as it sounds, despite the occasional cases of stat-heavy blog content which might require annual validations of the aforementioned numbers.

Trending blog topics tend to relate the content of the
blog with some form of pop culture. Additionally, the last five years have also given rise to a listicle format where blogs list out ‘x things which makes blogs (like the one you’re reading right now) pretty awesome.’ Of course, blog topics which are DIY in nature (‘How to xyz’) can never go out of fashion for any kind of a business, while interviews relevant to the business or even personal stories which can be tied back to the business also rank high among blog topic trends.

With Call To Action

Making your blog content thoroughly engaging and
relatable is one thing – seamlessly tying it back to a call-to-action at the
end is what makes it a winner. Once you’ve successfully established a
connection with your reader through the course of the blog, triggering an
action is essential as well. Be it a link which redirects the user to another
section of the business’ website, or even a request for users to sign-up for
future updates, these conversion elements can be spread across different
instances of the blog, without disrupting the flow of the reader.

Optimization Is Key

You’ve written a fabulous blog for yourself or your business – but the buck doesn’t stop there. Your desired audience is probably whipping out their phones and Googling the most random stuff on the internet to ultimately NOT find your blog in their search results. Having a comprehensive SEO plan to boost your blog outreach is greatly beneficial and vital. For the same reason, using a keyword-optimized title for your blog as well as including your targeted keywords in the first and last sentence of your blog writing are among the basics to keep in mind for the same. It’s important to remember one of our main tips here that quality takes precedence over quantity when it comes to your blog writing.

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